
#36 in which Letras is introduced and Marigny ponders on the meaning of things

'What's in the crates?'



'Indeed. A translator is what I am. I sail the seas and travel the continent spreading languages and shipping cultures all over the world. This box here, for example, contains all that must be said, and more. And this one here, is filled to the brim with all that must be silenced.'

'I thought translators translated.'

'It's a common misconception. You probably think justices do justice, too. The concept itself is misleading. What are sellswords to you? Certainly not merchants, are they.'

'Fine. What about that crate over there?'

'Ah, that one. That one is heavy with all that is said and ignored.'

'Prayers, mostly.'

'Oh no. Those go over there.'


'To the sea. Where belongs all nonsense.'


vayanse a la concha de la lora

Odio a la gente.

Cada dia la odio mas. Me dan asco. Manga de ineptos incompetentes inutiles inoperantes imbeciles irrespetuosos hijosderremilputa. Pais de pelotudos que se viven cagando en todo. Lacras. Les enterraria los telefonos bien en el fondo del orto. Les arrancaria los pocos sesos que tienen y se los tiraria a las ratas. Manga de descerebrados.
Y al proximo hijo de puta que me raye un cuaderno y me cague un dibujo le rompo un teclado en la jeta.

Me quiero ir a la mierda. Me quiero ir a la puta mierda.


C'era una volta un uomo
Con gli occhi verso la luna
E si chiedeva
"Verra presto l'amore?"
E che altro esiste
In un cuore gelato?
Tranne il pensiero di un assassinio 

