

"Erieth sut alaid, yriei itadah jhad
Erieth sut yriei, alaid isith wiñay
Erieth sut yriei, yriei-de yrieiath

Ever since the world was born, it demanded both light and darkness in order to develop and survive. Thus, Day and Night were created. However, endless light would burn life down to ashes, and overwhelming darkness would chill to the bone. Then again, it was Mandred's will to hide the shadows under sunlight, and let there be light during the night. For ever since the world was born, it demanded balance. It demanded equilibrium. So reads Etersena Atoria;
"Deeph with-in the darkness, shalt light arise."

Thus, Aluna Ankha, the Three Moons, were created. And men named them after their shapes, A'luna, Ar'avi, et Gib'raltar.
"Deeph with-in the light, shalt darkness lurk."

And so, shadows ran free across enlighted land, hiding themselves behind every accident.
So strong they were, not even Elos nor Khes'elos could shine through. And so, grew their power.

"Deeph with-in the light, light shan't be light..."

So grew their power, that they eventually took hold of the hearts of minion creatures. Shortly after, they were also able to expand their dominions, and broke into the hearts of men. And like plague they extended, slowly into the hearts of angels...

(Yriaĩ... Marka)

, Those who live by the Sea. Their secret kept within the shadows, one secret as big as a brand new world. For that reason, it was Mandred's will that they would be chased after by the other three Nations, until the end of times.. For the secret must not be revealed. Once the Aremorica are gone, the key which controls the flux of Time shalt be lost forever. Unless...

The shrine to the Core,Yriaĩ-Marka. That which I seek. Its meaning (of the words) was lost along with the decadence of the second generation. The Aremorica have renamed themselves as not to be noticed, and though the cover-up did not last long, even today Pillgrims wander the feet of the mountains, always in search of shadows where to lurk. And I, have had the chance to witness innumerable centuries of progress.

Yriaĩ-Marka... Vedanta Sara, the Blind Core, heart of the corrupted angel. Legends pray the last of the Aremorica, the last Pillgrim, may be the bearer of the lost soul. That which cannot die. That which wanders inside a body that's not its own. A half-breed. Cumlhan's descendance grows strong in Montsegur's fertile soil, nonetheless. Or doesn't it, Aragen?

The Blind Core shalt materialize into the soul's true identity. But there is another key, a trigger to wake the soul. It seems my old friend noticed that as well. But alas, he has saved me another obstacle.
Clear as a scarlet moon. And equally ironic.
All that's left now...
Yriaĩ-Marka. Where is it, what is it? Under what name is it concealed, behind which stone? Is it really too well hidden ..- or is it just so obvious, that I fail to see it? Yriaĩ-Marka...


"Deeph with-in the light, light shan't be light

2 comentarios:

Guille dijo...

Llegué acá a través de tu gusto musical no-cumbia, una cualidad brillante en una persona..
Me sorprendió eso de Chloe, porque no sé qué es. Supongo que algo de manga, cosa que me gusta, veía cosas como evangelion y blue seed, pero con esto me mataste.
Ah, y me fascinó la entrada en la que escribiste algo grande, solo quería que lo sepas.


Guille dijo...

te referís a "crónica loca"?
lo tuve que googlear, lógicamente, no vayas a creer que leí Sueiro...

Y como verás, no todo está perdido.
No sé que otra música escuchás, pero me imagino que cosas como stratovarius, rhapsody, symphony X, dream teather.. No me encanta, pero reconozco que es de lo mejor que hay dando vueltas...

Supuse que Chloe sería un personaje de animé, pero más me intriga saber de qué animé, que pasan a qué hora por qué canal. O tal vez tenga que usar youtube para verlo...

En fin, hasta luego.