"Shadrak!" cried he "Sadamesh! Mawain! Meldow! Dyran! Lio!rt! Gweir! Argalis! Jarad! Keshesj! Prymdwyn!
Gredah! T'twim! Beldar! Ahgrannim! Dayshade! Mandred...!" There he ceased, eyes wide open staring directly into something ethereal far beyond our sight. "Do you know, Azazel, what happened to God when he was done with this World? After parting with His soul and becoming Its strenght? Do you not know of Mand-reth, the Nameless One, who lost his soul to his very creation? Forgoten, he was. Lost amidst Time and Space; lost to the living, to whom He'd dedicated his life awhole. And do you know, Azazel, what became of him? He died, soon afterwards. Dead, both in place and memory. Where'd Ocean Soul go? Who am I? Naught, but leftovers of a God that is dead to the World. I am that side of Him. The melancholy, the disdain, the fear of losing to them once again, that is who I am; the side of Him everyone fears in the end... God's irated side."
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